Challenges for Accidental Leaders

As organisations and companies evolve they will be more aware of the need to support the development of in-house leadership skills so that there is an internal flow of employees who are equipped to assume leadership roles when the opportunities arise. At every level within an organisation there are leaders who need support and skills […]

Leadership is a Mindset

If you believe leadership is for others then think again. In different circumstances, we are all leaders, whether at home, in the community, in the workplace, or in any other setting. At times we may choose to lead and at other times, in different circumstances, we may choose to follow. When we show passion, commitment, […]

Adapting to Change Challenges All Leaders

Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing themselves- Leo Tolstoy. We all know that the one constant in life is change, but dealing with change can make us uncomfortable and can even generate stress. This is because we cannot control everything that impacts our lives so we must learn to cope […]

Best Managers Prioritise People.

It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, and how you’re led – Steve Jobs. Do you remember a teacher or sports coach you liked and admired? Almost certainly such a person supported and inspired you but also showed he or she valued you. You genuinely felt that you were given recognition as […]

Leadership and the Polarisation of America

America is divided. That is the clear message from the 2020 presidential election where Joe Biden has already received 75 million votes with  Donald Trump receiving almost 71 million votes. Both men have vastly different leadership styles and display different leadership traits. We know much about Mr.Trump’s leadership style, and over the next four years […]

Communication Skill is a Life Competency Worth Developing.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place-George Bernard Shaw. Communication is a competency; good communication is an art; honest communication is about trust and integrity. Because we are social beings, constantly interacting with each other, our ability to communicate is taken for granted. Like any skill the quality […]


The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has created a calamitous  world-wide health and economic crisis  and has shredded the entire fabric of normality. In response,  governments across the world have implemented ” lockdowns” with a range of mandatory actions, all designed to halt the spread of the deadly coronavirus. As public health is the absolute  priority, it […]